How a Chemical Pest Control different from Herbal Pest Control

Chemical pesticides are synthetic compounds that are manufactured to kill or control pests
A wide variety of chemicals are used to control pests. These chemicals are known as pesticides . Pesticides often do their job efficitively, but the problem is that they are specially designed to kill living organisms and therefore they may also cause serious health issues with humans or pets. if a chemical pesticide is very toxic even a small amount can be very health hazardous. Chemical Pest control treatments often have side effects and are not safe to be used when you have small children or pets.

Pesticides pollute our living environment and the food we humans eat and while we handle them they may contaminate our surroundings knowingly or unknowingly . They sometimes cause harm to non- targeted living beings. Moreover another drawback with using chemicals to control pests is that if used repeatedly the target pests may develop resistance to that particular molecule.

It is due to all these limitations that need for Non chemical methods arises. Non-chemical or herbal pesticides (pest control products) are derived from naturally occurring plants and herbs , and are processed to control pests. Chemical Pesticides act quickly, but are harsh to living beings. Organic or Herbal pest control methods, on the other hand, do not harm the environment. A  Citronilla -based repellant for mosquitoes poses fewer health risks than commercially available  mosquito coils, mats or liquids that contain synthetic allethrins. Herbal pest control methods, however, need laborious preparation and  there is also not enough awareness about them.These herbal pest control products reduce the pest population, without harming the non targeted occupants of the area.


It has no negative effect on the health of humans and pets and their environment. These can be safely used where pets and small children or patients are present. Unlike chemical pesticides, Herbal pesticides quickly break down in the environment and are said to have low residual effect (they do not persist in our environment for very long). If treated with respect ,they are very less toxic to humans, pets and other mammals. However it must be realized that just because a chemical is naturally derived does not automatically ensures that it is totally safe for humans. But still Herbal Pest control treatments are considered to be good option for control of household pests.Some examples of Herbal Pest control products could be use of Canola oil which works effectively against ants and yet nontoxic to humans. Another simple example is role of Garlic oil inrepelling birds and common household pests and also it degrades readily. Use of lemon grass in controlling mosquitoes is another example, it also leaves very pleasant fragrance wherever it is applied. 


Black pepper can also be used to repel mammals. Cedar wood oil is used to preserve wood and control termites and borers. Similarly Neem extract is one good example as herbal product for pest control.
Another widely used herbal product by professional pest controllers is Natural Pyrethrin. It is very popular herbal pesticide and is well known for its quick knockdown effect
against wide range of household crawling and flying insects . It acts through nervous system of the pest. It has advantage over other pesticides as it has low mammalian toxicity.

The silver lining

The good news is due to that public pressure and rising awareness level ,some reputed Pest control companies are now forced to use safer methods of pest control. These methods include physical control, biological control, and use of herbal pesticides . Areas like Delhi, Gurgaon and Noida where awareness levels are high among masses, homeowners have initiated the restricted use of chemical pesticides and started adopting Herbal pest control techniques . In addition, some of our customers are now insisting us to use safe and organic pest control treatments even if costs a little more. We hope that these strategies of avoiding harmful chemicals become even more popular.


Capital Pest Control (India) as a leading company that pioneers in the domain of various Pest management techniques , often gets calls from it’s costomers who enquire about the difference between chemical Pest control and Herbal or Organic pest control. So here, in a tabular form , we try to put some major differences between two methods of pest control and leave it onto the readers to decide as to which method is advantageous.


 Chemical Pest ControlHerbal Pest Control
BasicsUse of Synthetic Chemicals to kill or control Pests.Make use of Natural herbs and plant parts.
ActionKill or control pests quickly and effectively.Slow action and may take 2-3 days or longer  to display results.
FrequencyAre required to be applied less frequently.Multiple herbal treatments might be required.
AvailabilityReadily available in marketBeing less popular their sourcing may take time
Method of useUser friendly and fairly Simple to use.May involve complex mixing and processing.
Treatment time takenCan be applied quickly. Typically 1-1.5 hr. for a typical 1000 sq. ft. houseHerbal Emulsion preparation is time consuming and It’s application may take more time
FormulationAvailable in a variety of forms, like aerosols, powders, concentrates and granulesAvailable in the form of Granules, crystals gels and powders.
EffectivenessMore effectiveLess effective
EquipmentEquipment like pumps, applicators ULV sprayers and dispensers required for applicationSimple equipment like manual pump required.
Residual ActionTheir residual action is more and may persist for longer periods decompose completely without leaving behind residue.
ResistanceInsect pests develop resistance in shorter periods.Pests take longer to develop immunity.
Environment ImpactHarmful to living environmentEco friendly with little harmful effect of environment
CostUpfront cost and treatment cost is lessCost of getting herbal pest treatments are higher
SafetyHuman and Pets exposure can be  harmful.Little or no harmful effect on humans , pets and children as it does not involve use of harsh chemicals.
Shut down durationShut down time of premise from 3-4 hrs after the treatment.No shut down time and premises can be re-used immediately.
PrecautionsSafety Precautions and PPE essential.negligible safety precautions required.
CleaningSome cleaning required after treatmentLittle or no cleaning required after treatment.
Poisoning Antidote In case of poisoning ,specific Antidotes prescribed for every chemical.No Anti dote prescribed and patient may be treated symptomatically .
AwarenessGreater awareness in society.Less awareness among people.
RegulationsRegulated in India by Central Insecticide board, PPO and Plant Quarantine and Storage Departments.As of now no Govt. agency regulates Herbal Pest Control products and treatments.


While herbal pest control products have been used for centuries, they often lack extensive scientific research and regulation compared to synthetic pesticides. Therefore, the effectiveness and safety of specific herbal products may vary, and it’s essential to choose reputable brands and products.


Herbal pest control products are often used as part of an integrated pest management approach, which combines multiple strategies to control pests effectively. IPM focuses on prevention, monitoring, and only using pesticides as a last resort, thus minimizing the overall reliance on any single method.


Now that you know about the differences between using Organic pest control and Normal pest control, which one would you choose? Let us know in the comments below or contact us at 9810087539 or visit us  at . We also undertake Anti microbial disinfection treatment of residential and commercial buildings against Coronavirus and other viral diseases. You can visit us at for more details.

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  1. Amit sagar
    يناير 8, 2017 - 11:15 ص

    Nice write up, do you serve in southern part of delhi

    • admin
      يناير 8, 2017 - 5:13 م

      Hi Amit !
      Yes, Infact we have our head office in South Delhi and address is mentioned below.
      B-607, Ansal Chamber-I, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066.
      Ph:- 9810087539

  2. Milan Bhatt
    فبراير 1, 2017 - 10:15 ص

    Interesting article, keep up the good work

    • admin
      مارس 15, 2017 - 5:51 م

      Thanks Buddy..!!

  3. مايو 30, 2017 - 8:03 ص

    nice article deeply explained

  4. akash
    يونيو 25, 2018 - 8:36 ص

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